Become a Sherwood Park Crusaders Billet Family
Every year, the Sherwood Park Crusaders welcome young men into our city. These players range from 16 to 20 years old and their stay can last anywhere from one day to five years!
When these young men become a member of the Crusaders, they do not live on their own and therefore require accommodations. This is where the billet family becomes very important, as each player is placed in a home within the local community. The billet family offers a place to sleep, support, feed, and provide a positive environment for a young athlete.
Billeting can be a very exciting and rewarding experience for all those willing to open their homes to dedicated hockey players. Many families who have billeted in the past usually look back at their experience with fond memories. In fact, many families still stay in touch with players they have billeted as they move through the university and professional ranks.
Why be a Crusaders Billet Family?

- Builds relationships
- Become a member of the Crusaders team
- Lifelong relationships are formed
- Building relationships with player families
- Helping players achieve academic and athletic excellence
- Mentorship/role models for children in the household
- Monthly stipend from the Crusaders to help feed the players
- 10% discount on all Crusaders souvenirs and merchandise
If you are interested in receiving more information on being a billet family, please contact Tracy Bentley, Billet Coordinator, at her Email.